About SanGIS

Facts & Figures

County of San Diego

San Diego County covers an area of 4,526 square miles making it larger than Delaware or Rhode Island and 82% the size of the state of Connecticut. With a 2010 population of 3,095,313, it is the fifth most-populous county in the United States giving it a population greater than 21 states. The people of San Diego County live in 18 incorporated cities, 18 Indian reservations, 16 significant naval and military locations or 64 unincorporated areas. Over 480 species of birds have been observed in San Diego County, more than any other county in the United States. Public agencies or districts own over 60% of the land in the County.

City of San Diego

The City of San Diego was founded in 1769 and chartered in 1850. It covers 342 square miles (8 % of the County), has a 2010 population of 1,307,402 (42% of the County), and includes 52 planning areas. It is the 2nd largest city in California and the 8th largest city in the United States. The City of San Diego was rated the fifth-best place to live in the United States by MONEY Magazine in 2006.


The SanGIS database is extensive and covers every incorporated and unincorporated area in the County. Following are a few facts about the volume of GIS data available to SanGIS' JPA members and the general public.

Key Landbase Data Items (as of August 2021)
1,126,063 Parcels
162,345 Road segments
128,543 Road Intersection Points
1,168,266 Address points
8,488 Open Space Easements
Data Warehouse Layers (as of July 2021)
Over 413 spatial data warehouse layers available to JPA members
Data replicated weekly to the City and County networks
425 publicly available layers (as shape files) in 32 categories
Monthly or quarterly updates of 42 public data layers
Key Public Data Services
Over 22,528 registered users on the SanGIS/SANDAG Regional Data Warehouse
From July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 there was a total of 71,341 file downloaded, that is an average of 5,945 files downloaded each month and 8 downloads per hour from the SanGIS data warehouse web site. The most popular layers downloaded are address points, parcels and roads.