These links provide convenient access to web map services (REST services) that provide data relevant to San Diego County. These services can be used in your GIS software to quickly create the basis for your maps and presentations. Some of the services offer data just for San Diego County while others provide data for the State of California or the nation as a whole..
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SanGIS provide the following rest services: Basemap (created using regional data), Basemap Hillshade Hybrid, Hillshade for 2014 and 2017, Imagery for 2014 and 2017, Countywide DEM (2014 - 2016 combined data), 2018 NAIP imagery and the County Landcover Classification
A full set of base map services and information including aerial imagery, census tracts, municipal boundaries, and other useful information.
Map services primarily used to drive the Interactive Map / Parcel Lookup Tool
Various base map layers maintained by the County of San Diego. Also includes geocoding services that rely on SanGIS landbase information.
Geocoding services, base maps, City CIP projects, and other map services provided by the City of San Diego.
REST services covering the entire State of California in four different categories plus multiple locator services.
California Department of Fish and Wildlife map services providing topography, hill shade, and other base maps, NAIP imagery, marine habitat and other project information.
Web mapping services used by The National Map include the national hydrography data set, land cover, governmental unit boundaries, and other nation-wide data sets.